It is my pleasure to introduce you to me, JUSTICE TILLMAN. I asked myself, would they still love me if I started a blog... I guess we'll have to see. Lol. With that being said, welcome to my viewpoint of life through fashion, style and natural hair. I will be focusing on these 3 key concepts on this blog; however I may throw in some inspirational lifestyle post here and there. Good Vibes in every aspect, right!?
Before I even put pen to paper, or clothes to body... or products to hair..? Lol. I try to think out side of the box. My style is just that... MY STYLE. I take inspiration from literally everywhere and try to put my own mark on it: hair and fashion alike. I believe that every great idea came from a prior amazingly executed idea. Creating something new yet timeless is my mission. I give nods to classic looks and silhouettes, but try to apply a certain boyish, sexy, rugged flare. This is fashion, style and natural hair the JUST US & COMPANY way.
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