A midwest native, but I have pieces of the east coast and down south in my soul, due to a good deal of relocating as a child. When I was young I was fascinated by colors and I succeeded in wearing every color in the rainbow at the same time. ha. I defied my mother almost on a daily basis when it came to my clothing/style of dressing, because I just had to be in control. Who would have known I would have turned those terrible cross colors into something more put together and actually stylish. I've always adored fashion, but didn't always have the style portion down packed and am still learning as I go. I actually think the art of fashion and/or style is always evolving and can be whatever you make it!
In terms of my natural hair.. I have been natural since birth. Lol. I have never had a perm/"relaxer." However, I have not always treated my hair with great care. I believe my mother did my hair until the age of about 12 or 13 and it all went downhill from there. ha. As most girls in their pre-teen to teen age years in the early-mid 00's, I wanted my hair to be bone straight all the time.... and with that came major heat damage! It wasn't until I got to college that I got back to "my roots." At this time (2011ish) the "natural hair community" was beginning to boom and with this boom I started to learn my hair all over again and began my "healthy hair journey." With this came trial and error as well, I got back on a bone straight hair kick and I also dyed my hair. But after a while my curls weren't snapping back how I wanted them too. So I finally decided to cut off the dead hair, cut out heat for a year and strictly worked with my natural (damaged at the time) curls. I am sooooo glad I took that stance then, because now I am so happy with my curls, the health of my curls and my length. It has been a hard and long journey; however the outcome has been amazing.
I hope you all enjoy my outlook on life through my style, fashion and natural hair journey! :)